Quality of Life Studies

Quality of Life 5 Screenshots.png
ME/CFS is disabling and has a greater impact on functional status and well being than other chronic diseases such as cancer. The emotional burden of ME/CFS is felt by lay carers as well as by people with ME/CFS.
— Nacul et al., BMC Public Health

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus quis nunc dictum, egestas ante vel, luctus magna. Nullam dapibus sem maximus nulla scelerisque venenatis. Proin vulputate egestas turpis, at euismod purus imperdiet vel. Nulla sit amet nulla libero. Nulla vitae rutrum velit. Pellentesque augue nulla, bibendum vitae pharetra sed, convallis quis eros. Phasellus nisi odio, dapibus at diam nec, maximus sollicitudin enim. Phasellus scelerisque pellentesque orci et gravida. Mauris nisl ex, consectetur eu nunc varius, gravida varius odio. In eu elit aliquet, finibus ante ac, accumsan nisi.

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Extended List of Studies (by year)

2015 - 2018

Operationalizing Substantial Reduction in Functioning Among Young Adults with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
[Full Text] [PDF]
Gleason KD, Stoothoff J, McClellan D, McManimen S, Thorpe T, Katz BZ, Jason LA. Int J Behav Med. 2018

[HIGHLIGHT] Functional Status and Well-Being in People with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Compared with People with Multiple Sclerosis and Healthy Controls. [Full Text] [PDF]
Kingdon CC, Bowman EW,
Curran H, Nacul L, Lacerda EM. Pharmacoecon Open. 2018
People with ME/CFS were measurably more disabled than people with MS or healthy controls in this study population. Furthermore, employment and income data are consistent with loss of functional status. These findings should encourage the health community to recognise the disabling effects of ME/CFS, to advocate for the needs of people with ME/CFS, and to investigate strategies to address the cost of the disease to both individuals and society.

School Functioning in Adolescents With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. [Full Text] [PDF]
Knight SJ, Politis J, Garnham C, Scheinberg A, Tollit MA. Front Pediatr. 2018

[HIGHLIGHT] Effects of unsupportive social interactions, stigma, and symptoms on patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome. [Full Text] [PDF]
McManimen SL, McClellan D, Stoothoff J, Jason LA. J Community Psychol. 2018
These findings highlight the importance of stigma and unsupportive social interactions as risk factors for suicidal thoughts or actions among patients with ME and CFS. Community psychologists have an important role to play in helping educate health care professionals and the public to these types of risk factors for patients marginalized by ME and CFS.

Pain is associated with reduced quality of life and functional status in patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. [Full Text] [PDF]
Strand EB, Mengshoel AM, Sandvik L, Helland IB, Abraham S, Nes LS. Scand J Pain. 2018

These findings highlight the importance of stigma and unsupportive social interactions as risk factors for suicidal thoughts or actions among patients with ME and CFS. Community psychologists have an important role to play in helping educate health care professionals and the public to these types of risk factors for patients marginalized by ME and CFS.

Confirmatory factor analysis of a myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome stigma scale.
[Full Text] [PDF]
Terman JM, Awsumb JM, Cotler J, Jason LA. J Health Psychol. 2018

[HIGHLIGHT] The Health-Related Quality of Life for Patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). [PDF]
Falk Hvidberg M, et al. PLoS One. 2015
The ME/CFS study population is more disabled and socially marginalized than the average population with regards to the subjects of long-term illness, number of illnesses, proportion of disability pensioners and relationships.


[HIGHLIGHT] The functional status and well being of people with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and their careers. [PDF]
Nacul LC, et al. BMC Public Health. 2011
ME/CFS is disabling and has a greater impact on functional status and well being than other chronic diseases such as cancer. The emotional burden of ME/CFS is felt by lay carers as well as by people with ME/CFS. We suggest the use of generic instruments such as SF-36, in combination of other objective outcome measurements, to describe patients and assess treatments.


[HIGHLIGHT] Health status in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and in general population and disease comparison groups. [PDF]
Komaroff, A.L. et al., American Journal of Medicine. 1996

Patients with CFS had far lower mean scores than the general population control subjects on all eight SF-36 scales. They also scored significantly lower than patients in all the disease comparison groups other than depression on virtually all the scales. When compared with patients with depression, they scored significantly lower on all the scales except for scales measuring mental health and role disability due to emotional problems, on which they scored significantly higher. The two SF-36 scales reflecting mental health were not correlated with any of the symptoms of CFS except for irritability and depression.  Patients with CFS had marked impairment, in comparison with the general population and disease comparison groups.